Law, Camera and Action

Publicado em 14 Apr. 2016. Última atualização em 24 May. 2018


The activity consists in a series of meetings, exhibitions and activities that result in the preparation, by the students, of the answer to a legal question. This answer should be transformed into a video that is able to explain the problem (and not just the answer) to a layman on the subject.


- GENERAL GOALS: the activity was complementary to the course. In addition to the result, in didactic material, to be used in the following semesters, it entered on the purpose of the course because it: a) brought motivation to the study for students interested to participate in the activity; b) resulted in a framework exercise of reality by legal categories of trade mark rights; c) resulted in a critical interpretation of reality to be followed;

- SPECIFIC GOALS: Specifically, in the report brought to this card, the students worked with trademark rights relative questions, specifically the marks not registrable, the generic signal, necessary, common and vulgar;

- DEVELOPED ABILITIES: The following abilities were worked on: reality understanding, definition of legal relevant data, interpretation of applicable law, synthesis and oratory. In addition, the students worked on abilities that enabled their competence to interpret and comment technically and critically about a real situation. Also, they worked on the competence for the development and exposure of legal opinions.


- TEACHING METHOD: video elaboration and problem-based learning

- REQUIREMENTS: in relation to the students, the preparation consisted on reading the bibliography of the class, problem research, and redaction of an explanatory answer about the content, text review and presentation.

In relation to the professor, it consisted of the point of view of the content, at the selection of a concrete problem, data research and information about it, and the presentation of problem questions and the corresponding bibliography. From the point of view of the resulting material, the professor prepared everything necessary to the process of filming and editing, as well as the creation of the loops that served as the soundtrack.

- DEVELOPMENT OF THE DYNAMICS: The activity, by its nature, was not developed in the classroom, which was used to present the activity and invite participants.

The meetings were different on the scope, duration and number of students involved. At the beginning of the activity, before they initiate the filming, the professor had two meetings lasting about two hours with the whole group, after the meetings for filming and reflections on the material, it passed to involve two or three students at each time. During the final filming there was no meeting of the whole group, which only took place after the video edition for final exchange of views. Given these considerations, it can be understood why student participation varied so much facing the workload (informed on licenses and computed as complementary activities) from 8 hours to 16 hours. As for the professor, in spite of not having the exact note, it can be said without a doubt that has not committed to unless 60 hours in implementing the activity added with the editing of the material.

The materials resulting from the activity can be found in the following links:




- ATTENTION IN THE CLASSROOM: the greatest attention has to be related to motivation because the students were not used to being and seeing themselves being recorded; experience that, for some, was a real "shock". On the other hand, there was an agreement that would only be published the files that everyone feel comfortable with. Therefore, the main attention consisted in balancing between zeal for the technical quality of the exposure and respect in the correction of students. 


- GRADE EVALUATION: this was not an activity that resulted in grading in any discipline. The only "reward" consisted of a certificate for the award of curriculum hours in complementary activities. In addition to that, it was the "pride" for participating in a "work" that was and will be assisted by colleagues and others interested people in the topic (feeling the same as the student with a Bachelor degree who publishes an article). 


1) The resultant didactic materials will be used by students in their digital devices, in the place which best pleases them. Also, the question will be mentioned in class as an example for the corresponding theme exhibition at the syllabus.

2) The soundtrack used in the didactic material consists of material produced by the professor, but the use, for a moment, into the parody tone o

Activity Details


Law, Camera and Action


Ouro Preto Federal University

Concentration area: 

  • Business Law

Discipline : 

Business Law – 4th and 6th periods


  • Undergraduate

Key words: 

  • Brand’s rights
  • Case study
  • Didactic video

Number of students: 

From 5 to 10

Time of application: 

From 8 hours to 16 hours


Guilherme Forma Klafke


Licença Creative Commons
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Atribuição-NãoComercial-CompartilhaIgual 4.0 Internacional